10 Guaranteed Tips To Make Your Child To Practice Music
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10 Guaranteed Tips To Make Your Child To Practice Music

To motivate your child to practice music or their musical instrument regularly can often seem like a daunting task. With the demands of school, various after-school activities, and the tempting distractions of digital screens, it can be tough for children to find both the time and the drive to focus on music. Nonetheless, by adopting…

3 Benefits Of Music For Kids With Special Needs
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3 Benefits Of Music For Kids With Special Needs

Music transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, offering a unique blend of connection, healing, and inspiration but, have you heard the actual benefits of music for kids with special needs playing a crucial role in therapeutic practices and educational support for those kids with ADHD, and other various learning distinctions? In this blog, we will talk…

Solo And Group Lessons: Everything You Need To Know
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Solo And Group Lessons: Everything You Need To Know

Are you struggling with deciding between solo and group lessons in your music-learning journey? Both paths have their own rewards, crafted for various learning preferences, ambitions, and individual quirks. By delving into the perks of each, you’re better equipped to pick a path that sings in tune with your own musical voyage and aspirations. So,…

Top 10 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn Music Online
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Top 10 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn Music Online

Are you struggling with deciding if you should learn music the traditional way or virtual? Well, we have your back! In this blog, we’ll give our top 10 reasons why you should learn music online and how online music learning is tuning into the needs and lifestyles of today’s learners, offering everything from round-the-clock access…

The Beautiful Transformative Power Of Music On The Mind
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The Beautiful Transformative Power Of Music On The Mind

In this blog, we’ll talk about the power of music and how it benefits our mind, and self-esteem, it also boosts resilience, perseverance, and many more great skills. Shall we? Let’s start!  In life, each individual contributes a unique melody, blending with the diverse experiences that shape our existence. The power of music is that…

A Flat Major Scale – Everything You Need To Know About How To Play it – Easy Guide
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A Flat Major Scale – Everything You Need To Know About How To Play it – Easy Guide

The A Flat Major Scale on the guitar is great for learning. It involves a specific pattern of whole and half steps across the fretboard and might require finger stretching, especially if you’re playing it in lower positions. Notes Of The A Flat Major Scale The A-flat Major scale contains the following notes: Ab –…

E Major Scale – All You Need To Know About How To Play It  – Easy Guide
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E Major Scale – All You Need To Know About How To Play It – Easy Guide

In this blog, we will teach you about the notes, formula, structure, and positions, that are part of the E Major scale on guitar. Notes Of The E Major Scale Let’s start by saying that the E Major scale consists of the following notes:  E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D# Structure The E Major…

How To Play The Major Pentatonic Scale – Super Easy
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How To Play The Major Pentatonic Scale – Super Easy

Learning the major pentatonic scale is a great step in expanding your musical vocabulary on the guitar! The major pentatonic scale is essentially a 5-note scale that is derived from the major scale, by removing the 4th and 7th degrees. This gives it a bright and upbeat sound, making it popular in a wide range…

What You Need To Know To Play the C Sharp Major Scale on Guitar
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What You Need To Know To Play the C Sharp Major Scale on Guitar

In this blog, we will talk about the notes of C Sharp Major scale on guitar. We will teach you the formula, structure, and positions with diagrams for an easier understanding. Let’s start!! C Sharp Major Scale Notes The C Sharp Major scale has 7 sharps and no natural notes. C# – D# – E#…

OMG! How To Play The F Sharp Major Scale
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OMG! How To Play The F Sharp Major Scale

In today’s blog, we will talk about how to play the F Sharp major scale on guitar, we will explain the notes that are part of this scale, the formula, structure, and positions with diagrams to be better understood.  Let’s begin! F Sharp Major Scale Notes  The F Sharp Major scale has the following notes:…