Looking for Online Music Lessons?

PracticePad overcomes the challenges of online education platforms so students can master an instrument
By Daniel Powers Jr., singer, songwriter, and founder of Real Brave music schools and creator of PracticePad Virtual Music Education Platform
Wanting to embark on the journey to learn to play a new instrument the process can be intimidating. With today’s technology advances and proclivity for virtual or remote learning it’s likely that you’re considering an online music program. However, before you sign up with for a Zoom class or Google “online music lessons,” there’s a bit of homework to do before you launch you (or your child’s) music journey.
First, have an idea of the direction you (or your child) want to go in. Consider the sort of music that you are interested in learning, whether it be a single song or a specific genre and visualize yourself playing that song or channeling that music. Second, identify where you want to take your music. Maybe your dream is as big as performing on stage to thousands or smaller, like joining a church band. While these steps might seem obvious, they are the foundation for fueling passion for learning an instrument and the starting block for setting goals that will reveal true progress and make you brave enough to perform in front of an audience.
There is an array of options for learning an instrument online, from on-demand videos found on YouTube, subscriptions like MasterClass, or local Zoom classes. These programs can promise a lot (sometimes too much) for a lower price tag, but often they lack one-on-one feedback and accountability that can help students progress in proficiency from their first notes toward mastering an instrument. With that specific challenge in mind, I set out to create a solution that would work for music students of any age.
Real Brave powered by Practice PadTM was created from breaking down what truly worked on my own musical journey — specifically an incredibly inspiring teacher who connected with me beyond sheet music and encouraged me — and wanting to use audio, video, and streaming technology to bring high-quality music education to everyone. Students anywhere can learn at their own pace and at a time that fits their schedule but more importantly, have a teacher who can meet them where they’re at each lesson. Our staff includes instructors who are celebrated artists, but more than that, know how to inspire you toward a deep appreciation and love of life — not just music — because we believe we are people first, and musicians second.
To take learning to the next level, PracticePad also differentiates with its progress tracking, live all-in-one video room that’s inside the platform so you never have to use Zoom and other apps at once, and finally, custom video lesson content. Our certified instructors can track a student’s progress, provide with powerful video and recording tools to help learn and comes with hundreds of tutorials to engage a student’s learning potential.
In this way, we’re creating an e-learning platform and online music school that inspires students and guides them on what they should be working on for the week. When we ask our students what they like best about PracticePad, they always mention the videos in the lesson room, and how they help remind them what to focus on to improve, which is personalized specifically to each student and available for every lesson. That bespoke, personal touch is what sets our educators and students apart from other programs.
Music is about connection, and with PracticePad’s built-in tools and teachers, that connection can create a brave musician who is ready to take the stage.